Python client for Google Container Engine API


I'm working on a project where I need to create and manage clusters, pods, services and deployments on google container engine.I have googled a lot to find an API for that, Google's Container engine REST API is available, is there any python client for that API? what I need exactly.

Help me, please! Thanks in advance!

-- Abdul Rehman

1 Answer


On this page you can find information about using Python including installation of the client library and

Google Container Engine API: The Google Container Engine API is used for building and managing container based applications, powered by the open source Kubernetes technology.

This page contains information about getting started with the Google Container Engine API using the Google API Client Library for Python. In addition, you may be interested in the following documentation.

More generally there is this page about Google APIs and Python libraries and a getting started using Python in GCE example on Github.

-- DDay
Source: StackOverflow