We are trying to deploy Mule Application on Kubernetes using Minikube. Could you please explain the steps to deploy on Kubernetes in windows environment.
You need kubectl
and minikube
in Windows for Kubernetes
Once you able to start your minikube
on your system, you can deploy Mule application in Kubernate
directly through the dashboard or using kubectl
It will pull the mule docker image from the DockerHub into your Kubernetes container.
Here is how you can do it by both the ways and deploy Mule application:
First of all you would need to install Minikube for Windows: https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/releases
Then, install the API client kubectl
: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/
Then, according to the needs to your application, you will have to create different API Objects, most likely:
This will need some knowledge of how k8s works so I advise you to check the Kubernetes documentation (https://kubernetes.io/docs) and some get started guides.