Error during Kubernetes Cluster creation


I'm trying to create a standard container cluster (Kubernetes) in Bluemix. When I do that, the masters appear to get ready, but worker provisioning fails with the following error:

SoftLayer_Exception_Public: You do not have permission to verify server orders. (HTTP 500)

I linked my Bluemix account to SoftLayer yesterday. Is there something else that I need to do before I can spawn a cluster?

-- Laures

1 Answer


The IBM/SoftLayer Support suggested to create an API Key for myself. To do that you go to account > user > under API key > generate after that i was able to spawn clusters using the bluemix ui

what also worked was to create a cluster with the bluemix CLI: bx cs cluster-create --location fra02 --machine-type u1c.2x4 --workers 1 --name cliCluster For more documentation on this command see

-- Laures
Source: StackOverflow