Why my worker node fails after submitting topology?


Here is my minimal Multi container (storm 1.1.0) setup on Kubernetes on Azure using Azure container service - 1 zookeeper container - 1 nimbus container (UI is running on the same container) - 1 worker container

All containers are connected properly,can see that in the Storm UI and zookeeper logs.

But When I deploy the test topology - worker node fails (supervisor process waits for worker to start and restarts).Seems like worker process is not started by supervisor.

Here is my storm.yaml config for the worker node:

   - "10.0.xx.xxx"

 storm.zookeeper.port: 2181

 nimbus.seeds: ["10.0.xxx.xxx"]

 storm.local.dir: "/storm/datadir"

Could you please help me out ?

-- Suraj Naik

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