Azure Kubernetes Private Key Location


I've used this command to deploy a Kubernetes cluster in Azure:

az acs create -n acs-cluster -g acsrg1 -d applink789 --generate-ssh-keys

Everything is working- I can connect to the cluster with kubectl. Now I want to define an SSH step in a Continuous Delivery pipeline. The documentation indicates that this command created a public/private key pair. Where is the private key stored? I've looked in the .ssh, .kube, and .azure folders in my home directory but I can't tell if any of those values are the private key.

-- Dave Swersky

1 Answer


Figured it out- the documentation says the keys will be generated if they are missing. If the id_rsa keypair is present in the .ssh hidden directory, it is used. Connected with Putty using the azureuser default account.

-- Dave Swersky
Source: StackOverflow