How to debug Kubernetes on the proper way?


I would like to run Istio to play around, but I facing issues with my local kubernetes installation and I am successfuly stack with a way of debug my installation

That is a my current situation:

root@node1:/tmp/istio-0.1.5# kubectl get svc
NAME            CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                       AGE
grafana     <pending>     3000:31202/TCP                1h
istio-egress   <none>        80/TCP                        1h
istio-ingress    <pending>     80:30982/TCP,443:31195/TCP    1h
istio-manager    <none>        8080/TCP,8081/TCP             1h
istio-mixer    <none>        9091/TCP,9094/TCP,42422/TCP   1h
kubernetes      <none>        443/TCP                       4h
prometheus    <pending>     9090:32170/TCP                1h
servicegraph   <pending>     8088:30814/TCP                1h

root@node1:/tmp/istio-0.1.5# kubectl get pods
NAME                             READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
grafana-1261931457-3hx2p         0/1       Pending   0          1h
istio-ca-3887035158-6p3b0        0/1       Pending   0          1h
istio-egress-1920226302-vmlx1    0/1       Pending   0          1h
istio-ingress-2112208289-ctxj5   0/1       Pending   0          1h
istio-manager-2910860705-z28dp   0/2       Pending   0          1h
istio-mixer-2335471611-rsrhb     0/1       Pending   0          1h
prometheus-3067433533-l2m48      0/1       Pending   0          1h
servicegraph-3127588006-1k5rg    0/1       Pending   0          1h

 kubectl get rs
NAME                       DESIRED   CURRENT   READY     AGE
grafana-1261931457         1         1         0         1h
istio-ca-3887035158        1         1         0         1h
istio-egress-1920226302    1         1         0         1h
istio-ingress-2112208289   1         1         0         1h
istio-manager-2910860705   1         1         0         1h
istio-mixer-2335471611     1         1         0         1h
prometheus-3067433533      1         1         0         1h
servicegraph-3127588006    1         1         0         1h

kubectl get pods --show-labels
NAME                             READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       LABELS
grafana-1261931457-3hx2p         0/1       Pending   0          1h        app=grafana,pod-template-hash=1261931457
istio-ca-3887035158-6p3b0        0/1       Pending   0          1h        istio=istio-ca,pod-template-hash=3887035158
istio-egress-1920226302-vmlx1    0/1       Pending   0          1h        istio=egress,pod-template-hash=1920226302
istio-ingress-2112208289-ctxj5   0/1       Pending   0          1h        istio=ingress,pod-template-hash=2112208289
istio-manager-2910860705-z28dp   0/2       Pending   0          1h        istio=manager,pod-template-hash=2910860705
istio-mixer-2335471611-rsrhb     0/1       Pending   0          1h        istio=mixer,pod-template-hash=2335471611
prometheus-3067433533-l2m48      0/1       Pending   0          1h        app=prometheus,pod-template-hash=3067433533
servicegraph-3127588006-1k5rg    0/1       Pending   0          1h        app=servicegraph,pod-template-hash=3127588006

root@node1:/tmp/istio-0.1.5# kubectl get nodes --show-labels
NAME      STATUS    AGE       VERSION           LABELS
node1     Ready     5h        v1.6.4+coreos.0,,,,
node2     Ready     5h        v1.6.4+coreos.0,,,,
node3     Ready     5h        v1.6.4+coreos.0   app=prometeus,,,,
node4     Ready     5h        v1.6.4+coreos.0,,,

Unfortunately, after I read out most of documentation, I found out only few way to debug an installation

journalctl -r -u kubelet
kubectl get events
kubectl describe deployment

Is there any common workflow to debug Kubernetes installation?

-- Siarhei Karatkevich

1 Answer


Its in the documentation. follow the POD troubleshooting steps

-- sfgroups
Source: StackOverflow