Unable to create a standard StorageClass in AWS


I am trying to add a StorageClass to a test K8 cluster to then deploy additional services such as Prometheus. I am running into a problem trying to add a StorageClass of standard to link the pv ad pvc's together. I created a local file called ebs-storage.json with the following:

  "kind": "StorageClass",
  "apiVersion": "storage.k8s.io/v1beta1",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "standard"
  "provisioner": "kubernetes.io/aws-ebs",
  "parameters": {
    "type": "gp2",
    "zone": "us-west-2a"

and then I run:

kubectl create -f ./ebs-storage.json

but this is returning:

Error from server: error when creating "./ebs-storage.json": the server could not find the requested resource

Running on server version 1.4.6 and client 1.3.4. I know I am missing something obvious but have been unable to figure out what

-- Andrew Rutter

1 Answer


This ended up being a kubectl version issue. I updated to the latest and was able to create the StorageClass

-- Andrew Rutter
Source: StackOverflow