We have deployed Kubernetes using OpenStack Heat on CoreOS. The below command of fetching nodes does not get any results:
kubectl -s http://<Master FIP>:8080 get nodes
On looking at the minion, we saw that kubelet cannot talk to the master. kubelet on minion has these errors.
In the master node, the container - hyperkube controller displays the below error ( is the private IP for the master):
W0909 17:42:34.411146 1 request.go:347] Field selector: v1 - serviceaccounts - metadata.name - default: need to check if this is versioned correctly.
I0909 17:42:34.465422 1 endpoints_controller.go:322] Waiting for pods controller to sync, requeuing service default/kubernetes
W0909 17:43:04.249935 1 nodecontroller.go:433] Unable to find Node:, deleting all assigned Pods.
E0909 17:43:04.284611 1 nodecontroller.go:434] pods "kube-apiserver-" not found
I am not sure how should we debug this. Could someone please suggest what could be wrong.
This was resolved by making the hyperkube version same on master and minion nodes. In our case, we updated it to v1.3.4. (Used gcr.io/google_containers/hyperkube:v1.3.4)