I was looking at the kubernetes API endpoints listed here. Im trying to create a deployment which can be run from the terminal using kubectl ru CLUSTER-NAME IMAGE-NAME PORT
. However I cant seem to find any endpoint for this command in the link I posted above. I can create a node using curl POST /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods
and then delete using the curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/node-name
where node name HAS to be a single node (if there are 100 nodes, each should be done individually). Is there an api endpoint for creating and deleting deployments??
To make it easier to eliminate fields or restructure resource representations, Kubernetes supports multiple API versions, each at a different API path, such as /api/v1
or /apis/extensions/v1beta1
and to extend the Kubernetes API, API groups is implemented.
Currently there are several API groups in use:
(oftentimes called legacy
, due to not having explicit group name) group, which is at REST path /api/v1
and is not specified as part of the apiVersion field, e.g. apiVersion: v1
.named groups
are at REST path /apis/$GROUP_NAME/$VERSION
, and use apiVersion: $GROUP_NAME/$VERSION
(e.g. apiVersion: batch/v1
). Full list of supported API groups can be seen in Kubernetes API reference.To manage extensions resources such as Ingress
, Deployments
, and ReplicaSets
refer to Extensions API
As described in the reference, to create a Deployment:
POST /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/deployments
I debugged this by running kubectl
with verbose logging: kubectl --v=9 update -f dev_inventory.yaml
It showed the use of an API call like this one:
curl -i http://localhost:8001/apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/default/deployments
Note that the first path element is apis
, not the normal api
. I don't know why it's like this, but the command above works.
The Kubernetes Rest Api documentation is quite sophisticated but unfortunately the deployment documentation is missing. Since the Rest schema is identical to other resources you can figure out the rest calls:
GET retrieve a deployment by name:
POST create a new deployment
You should be able to use the calls right away when you provide the placeholder for your
I might be too late to help in this question, but here is what I tried on v1.9 to deploy a StatefulSet:
curl -kL -XPOST -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <*token*>" --data @statefulset.json \
I converted the statefulset.yaml to json cause I saw the data format when api was doing the POST was in json.
I ran this command to find out the API call i need to make for my k8s object:
kubectl --v=10 apply -f statefulset.yaml
(might not need a v=10 level but I wanted to as much info as I could)
Have you tried the analogous URL?