My Kubernetes Public Service not accessible anymore


I have had my Application running on Google Cloud Platform on Compute engine for a while now service XX.XX.XXX.XX 80/TCP 121d Its a Kubernetes Cluster. Everything was working fine, I didn't touch anything and now all other sudden the site can't be reached. I haven't look at my site in a couple of month now (I was on holidays) I am a paying customer for this service. Is it that if no one visite the site for a while the access is revoked ? I can't understand why the site is down when the only thing I did was not checking it. Is there an "Idle" mechanism starting if a service is not access for a while ? How do I debug this ? Thanks

-- Brett

1 Answer


I turned out that the kubectl get pods was returning status running on my Replication Controllers but they were down (I suppose...). I kill and restarted the whole cluster and everything is back to normal. I sad though the the status was lying.

-- Brett
Source: StackOverflow