Does Google Container Engine have CFS cpu quota enabled?


I've set cpu limits on my Kubernetes pods, but they do not seem to cap cpu usage at all running on Google Container Engine version 1.3.3

Reading this has to be enabled on the kubelet as follows:

kubelet --cpu-cfs-quota=true

However when checking the process when logging into one of the nodes of my cluster it seems the kubelet is missing this flag:

/usr/local/bin/kubelet --api-servers= --enable-debugging-handlers=true --cloud-provider=gce --config=/etc/kubernetes/manifests --allow-privileged=True --v=2 --cluster-dns= --cluster-domain=cluster.local --configure-cbr0=true --cgroup-root=/ --system-cgroups=/system --runtime-cgroups=/docker-daemon --kubelet-cgroups=/kubelet --babysit-daemons=true --eviction-hard=memory.available<100Mi

Is any Googler able to confirm whether its enabled or not and if not tell us why? Now it seems I don't have the choice to use cpu limits whereas as it's enabled I can just leave cpu limit out of my spec if I don't wish to use it.

-- Jorrit Salverda

2 Answers


Google Container Engine does not support CPU Quota by default. If you'd like to use CPU quota you can switch to using GCI Node image - GCI has support for CPU quota and Container Engine would automatically start supporting CPU limits on containers.

-- Vishnu Kannan
Source: StackOverflow


That flag's default value is true :)

So yes, it is enabled in Container Engine.

edit: I was wrong - the flag is enabled, but the default operating system used by GKE doesn't support it. Vishnu Kannan's answer is correct!

-- Alex Robinson
Source: StackOverflow