fabric8 on GKE via gofabric8: no Ingress or credentials?


I installed Fabric8 on a Google Container Engine cluster and I used gofabric8 deploy with a custom domain and cd-pipeline app to install fabric8.io on it. It seems to be running if I do kubectl get pods, but how can I access it? I tried the public IP from the loadbalancer, no hail yet. I looked at the forwarding rules in GKE and I added 443 next to 80 which was already there, no effect. Then I looked at the Ingress (kubectl get ing) and there is none. What am I missing and how can I fix it? Am I doing something strange and unsupported?

-- Jasper

1 Answer


We had an issue with the Ingress controller pod which looks like it's been fixed but I've not had a chance to try it out yet https://github.com/nginxinc/kubernetes-ingress/issues/34

So for now we've been using the Google Container loadbalancer as it automatically creates external IPs for our services. We've just updated our GKE docs so hopefully things are a bit clearer. From the docs we've also linked to a silent demo of running fabric8 with CD pipelines etc on GKE so that might help too.


FWIW to access the fabric8 console we use a service proxy from the Kubernetes API server, the console inself then uses either ingress or external ips to access Jenkins, Gogs, Nexus etc

-- James Rawlings
Source: StackOverflow