Kubernetes UI unreachable


I followed this guide on configuring Kubernetes on Fedora master-node, everything goes ok, but when I go for UI, I had nothing and couldn't install as described in this guide, so I created

  "kind": "Namespace",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "kube-system"

and install as

 kubectl create -f https://rawgit.com/kubernetes/dashboard/master/src/deploy/kubernetes-dashboard.yaml --namespace=kube-system

which installed fine, but now when I go for


I get

  "paths": [

and trying to use


for access and get

  "kind": "Status",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "metadata": {},
  "status": "Failure",
  "message": "no endpoints available for service \"kubernetes-dashboard\"",
  "reason": "ServiceUnavailable",
  "code": 503

and don't know how to fix it. Any suggestions?

Update 1 Confirmation that plugin installed

root@fed-master ~]# kubectl get deployment kubernetes-dashboard --namespace=kube-system
kubernetes-dashboard   1         0         0            0           2h
[root@fed-master ~]# kubectl get svc kubernetes-dashboard --namespace=kube-system
NAME                   CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
kubernetes-dashboard   nodes         80/TCP    2h

Update 2

kubectl --namespace=kube-system get ep kubernetes-dashboard


NAME                   ENDPOINTS   AGE
kubernetes-dashboard   <none>      4h

so the question now, how can I set endpoint by myself?

-- sigrlami

2 Answers


I'm very new in Kubernetes, but I just had the dashboard work for me in a local VM cluster, so I'll share my recent experience, just in case it's helpful.

I installed it, like you did, using

kubectl create -f https://rawgit.com/kubernetes/dashboard/master/src/deploy/kubernetes-dashboard.yaml

which gave me this output:

deployment "kubernetes-dashboard" created
You have exposed your service on an external port on all nodes in your
cluster.  If you want to expose this service to the external internet, you may
need to set up firewall rules for the service port(s) (tcp:32548) to serve traffic.

See http://releases.k8s.io/release-1.2/docs/user-guide/services-firewalls.md for more details.
service "kubernetes-dashboard" created

So I access it via browser using master's IP address, and the port stated in the output, like:


In my case, it's:

However I did it on my machine, so, as also stated in the output above, mind that:

If you want to expose this service to the external internet, you may need to set up firewall rules for the service port(s) (tcp:32548) to serve traffic.

-- chrk
Source: StackOverflow


Same thing happened to me. Interestingly, it was in fact running in port 4194. I did netstat -planet|grep LISTEN and tried all the ports listening. When I got to 4194, I got the dashboard. So everything was working. You just have to configure it properly to route to the port you want.

-- Dan
Source: StackOverflow