I had initially thought this was the same as: Kubernetes imagePullSecrets not working; getting "image not found"
However, even disabling authentication (to avoid the need for secrets) still produces the same error.
So, Kubernetes trying to pull images from Nexus Docker registry keeps producing the kubernetes error:
"Failed to pull image "nexus.mydomain.co.uk/nginx": Error: image nginx:latest not found"
This is also reflected in the Nexus logs:
2016-06-22 14:51:26,929+0000 WARN [qtp556619582-227] docker org.sonatype.nexus.repository.docker.internal.V1Handlers - Error: GET /v1/repositories/nginx/images: 404 - org.sonatype.nexus.repository.docker.internal.V1Exception$ImagesNotFound: images not found
I can't get onto the kube boxes to try a pull, however, when I run "docker pull" from my mac command line all is well and good.