I setup Kubernetes in multinode mode in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with docker 1.7.1 by following this Guide: http://kubernetes.io/docs/getting-started-guides/docker-multinode/master/
The guide told to Remove the existing Docker bridge
sudo /sbin/ifconfig docker0 down
and sudo brctl delbr docker0
everything is good until I restart the host machine (ubuntu), the docker0 interface is recreated after restart and also it sit on the subnet I told in /etc/default/docker
any step I missed to stop it recreate the docker0 interface? or it is suppose to be there?
I am confused.
as per my original comment:
the docker0 bridge needs to be recreated with the right subnet.
It is originally created by Docker, but Kubernetes needs to defines its own, so it needs to be deleted first.
The script recreates the interface though, which is why it appears again after running it.
This is the normal behavior.