how to use binary file to create a cluster in bare metal


Already to download the all binary about kubernetes,

the directory:

~/vagrant/kubernetes/server/kubernetes/server/bin$ ls
federated-apiserver                 kubelet
hyperkube                           kubemark
kube-apiserver                      kube-proxy
kube-apiserver.docker_tag           kube-proxy.docker_tag
kube-apiserver.tar                  kube-proxy.tar
kube-controller-manager             kube-scheduler
kube-controller-manager.docker_tag  kube-scheduler.docker_tag
kube-controller-manager.tar         kube-scheduler.tar

Can use these binary directly to create a cluster?

-- D cc

2 Answers


I downloaded the tar.gz(flannel\etcd\kubernetes) and modified by changing curl to tar local files directly.Then i run and created a cluster with downloaded files.

-- zhenxing lu
Source: StackOverflow


Yes, but unfortunately it is a non-trivial task to start with plain binaries and end up with a fully functional cluster.

To create a cluster, I'd recommend following one of the many supported solutions. If you want to create a cluster without using one of the existing scripts, you can follow the Creating a Custom Cluster from Scratch guide.

-- Robert Bailey
Source: StackOverflow