Kubernetes 1.2 baremetal production


Is it recommended to deploy Kubernetes 1.2 on a bare-metal Ubuntu/ RedHat production cluster? If so, what is the recommended SDN tool (flanneld or OvS), docker version and etcd version to use?

-- Dimuthu

2 Answers

  1. docker version need to be 1.2+
  2. you can found flannel/etcd version in the script of download-release.sh
-- zhenxing lu
Source: StackOverflow


Here is the getting started guide for Ubuntu. It hasn't been updated since Kubernetes v1.1.8, but it should still be applicable for v1.2.4. That getting started guide uses flannel, but you can also use Calico (Guide). The list of Kubernetes getting started guides might be a good place to start.

-- CJ Cullen
Source: StackOverflow