Samples on kubernetes golang client


I`m trying to create replication controllers, services etc from the golang client. ("") However I cannot find any documentation on how to do so.

I found this:

r, err := c.ReplicationControllers(api.NamespaceDefault).Create(rep)

But I don`t know where to put the yml data etc. Anyone who found documentation or has some sample code that I could get started with ?

-- Roel Van Nyen

1 Answer


I put together a sample Kubernetes client in Go that allows to query the API version and make a sample NGINX deployment. Maybe it's helpful to you:

Note that it doesn't use replication controllers (which, by the way, have been replaced by replica sets by now) but uses the newer Deployments API. I also don't feed in YAML files; instead, I define everything programmatically. Reading YAML files and unmarshalling them into Kubernetes structs should be a fairly straight-forward thing to do though.

-- Timo Reimann
Source: StackOverflow