The closest tutorial I can find in getting an SSL terminating Ingress and an nginx based controller running on bare metal (Digital Ocean, for example) is this:
but it leaves so many assumptions unexplained.
location ^~ /.well-known/acme-challenge/
which allows my LetsEncrypt cert renewals to worklocation /.well-known/acme-challenge/
location /
boo my answers apply to
- default backend at port 80 for all hosts that:
- 404 on
location /.well-known/acme-challenge/
this is not possible using Ingress rules
- 301 on
location /
This is already supported. If the server contains a SSL certificate it will redirect to https
- subdomain based routing to different backend services on port 443
- each subdomain points to a different SSL key/cert (generated by my LetsEncrypt, and stored in K8S as a secret I suppose??)
You need to create multiple Ingress rules, one per subdomain. Each rule can use a different secret name (this will create multiple servers, one per subdomain)
- full documentation on writing Ingress rules
(I don't know id there's additional information besides the go code)
- can I configure SSL certs (on port 443) for each backend individually?
- is / the "path" that's a catchall for a host?
- updating Ingress rules in place
- what nginx controller do I use? nginx? nginx-alpha? nginx-ingress docker container -- and where is the documentation for each of these controllers?
This depends on what you need, if you want to build you custom Ingress controller you can use nginx-alpha
as reference. If nginx-ingress
is not clear in the examples please open an issue and mention what could be improved in the examples or it's missing
- is there a base controller image that I can override the nginx.conf template that gets populated by Ingress changes from the API server?
No. The reason for this is that the template is tied to the go code that populates the template. That said, you can build a custom image changing the template but this requires you deploy the image to tests the changes
- how do you store SSL keys and certs as secrets?
yes, as secrets like this
For the letsencrypt
support please check this comment
Here is a complete example added to examples in #766