`kubctl get pods` has high latency


I am attempting to identify and fix the source of high latency when running kubectl get pods.

I am running 1.1.4 on AWS.

When running the command from the master host of afflicted master, I consistently get response times of 6s.

Other queries, such as get svc and get rc return on the order of 20ms.

Running get pods on a mirror cluster returns in 150ms.

I've crawled through master logs and system stats, but have not identified the issue.

-- Chris Willmore

2 Answers


Chris - how big cluster do you have and how many pods do you have in it? Obviously the time it take to return the response will be bigger if the result is bigger.

Also, what do you mean by "running on mirror cluster returns in 150ms"? What is "mirror cluster"?

-- Wojciech Tyczynski
Source: StackOverflow

-- janetkuo
Source: StackOverflow