Kubernetes: using OpenStack Cinder from one cloud provider while nodes on another


Maybe my question does not make sense, but this is what I'm trying to do:

  • I have a running Kubernetes cluster running on CoreOS on bare metal.
  • I am trying to mount block storage from an OpenStack cloud provider with Cinder.

From my readings, to be able to connect to the block storage provider, I need kubelet to be configured with cloud-provider=openstack, and use a cloud.conf file for the configuration of credentials.

I did that and the auth part seems to work fine (i.e. I successfully connect to the cloud provider), however kubelet then complains that it cannot find my node on the openstack provider.

I get:

Unable to construct api.Node object for kubelet: failed to get external ID from cloud provider: Failed to find object

This is similar to this question:

Unable to construct api.Node object for kubelet: failed to get external ID from cloud provider: Failed to find object

However, I know kubelet will not find my node at the OpenStack provider since it is not hosted there! The error makes sense, but how do I avoid it?

In short, how do I tell kubelet not to look for my node there, as I only need it to look up the storage block to mount it?

Is it even possible to mount block storage this way? Am I misunderstanding how this works?

-- MrE

2 Answers


There seem to be new ways to attach Cinder storage to bare metal, but it's apparently just PoC


-- MrE
Source: StackOverflow


Unfortunately, I don't think you can decouple the cloud provider for the node and that for the volume, at least not in the vanilla kubernetes.

-- Yu-Ju Hong
Source: StackOverflow