kubernetes API call equivalent to 'kubectl apply'


I try to use the master api to update resources.

In 1.2 to update a deployment resource I'm doing kubectl apply -f new updateddeployment.yaml

How to do the same action with the api?

-- ant31

2 Answers


I checked the code in pkg/kubectl/cmd/apply.go and I think the following lines of code shows what's behind the scene when you run kubectl apply -f:

// Compute a three way strategic merge patch to send to server.
patch, err := strategicpatch.CreateThreeWayMergePatch(original, modified, current, 
    versionedObject, true)
helper := resource.NewHelper(info.Client, info.Mapping)
_, err = helper.Patch(info.Namespace, info.Name, api.StrategicMergePatchType, patch)

And here is the code helper.Patch:

func (m *Helper) Patch(namespace, name string, pt api.PatchType, data []byte) (runtime.Object, error) {
    return m.RESTClient.Patch(pt).
        NamespaceIfScoped(namespace, m.NamespaceScoped).
-- zhb
Source: StackOverflow


<rant>so this API is not really convincingly designed, since it forces us to reimplement such basic stuff at the client side...</rant>

Anyway, here is my attempt to reinvent the hexagonal wheel in Python...

Python module kube_apply

Usage is like kube_apply.fromYaml(myStuff)

  • can read strings or opened file streams (via lib Yaml)
  • handles yaml files with several concatenated objects
  • implementation is rather braindead and first attempts to insert the resource. If this fails, it tries a patch, and if this also fails, it deletes the resource and inserts it anew.

have fun

File: kube_apply.py

# coding: utf-8
# __________   ________________________________________________   #
# kube_apply - apply Yaml similar to kubectl apply -f file.yaml   #
#                                                                 #
# (C) 2019 Hermann Vosseler <Ichthyostega@web.de>                 #
# This is OpenSource software; licensed under Apache License v2+  #
# ############################################################### #
Utility for the official Kubernetes python client: apply Yaml data.
While still limited to some degree, this utility attempts to provide
functionality similar to `kubectl apply -f`
- load and parse Yaml
- try to figure out the object type and API to use
- figure out if the resource already exists, in which case
  it needs to be patched or replaced alltogether.
- otherwise just create a new resource.

Based on inspiration from `kubernetes/utils/create_from_yaml.py`

@since: 2/2019
@author: Ichthyostega

import re
import yaml
import logging

import kubernetes.client

def runUsageExample():
    ''' demonstrate usage by creating a simple Pod through default client
#   KUBECONFIG = '/path/to/special/kubecfg.yaml'
#   import kubernetes.config
#   client = kubernetes.config.new_client_from_config(config_file=KUBECONFIG)
#   # --or alternatively--
#   kubernetes.config.load_kube_config(config_file=KUBECONFIG)

kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
  name: dummy-pod
    blow: job
  - name: sleepr
    image: busybox
    - /bin/sh
    - -c
    - sleep 24000

def fromYaml(rawData, client=None, **kwargs):
    ''' invoke the K8s API to create or replace an object given as YAML spec.
        @param rawData: either a string or an opened input stream with a
                        YAML formatted spec, as you'd use for `kubectl apply -f`
        @param client: (optional) preconfigured client environment to use for invocation
        @param kwargs: (optional) further arguments to pass to the create/replace call
        @return: response object from Kubernetes API call
    for obj in yaml.load_all(rawData):
        createOrUpdateOrReplace(obj, client, **kwargs)

def createOrUpdateOrReplace(obj, client=None, **kwargs):
    ''' invoke the K8s API to create or replace a kubernetes object.
        The first attempt is to create(insert) this object; when this is rejected because
        of an existing object with same name, we attempt to patch this existing object.
        As a last resort, if even the patch is rejected, we *delete* the existing object
        and recreate from scratch.
        @param obj: complete object specification, including API version and metadata.
        @param client: (optional) preconfigured client environment to use for invocation
        @param kwargs: (optional) further arguments to pass to the create/replace call
        @return: response object from Kubernetes API call
    k8sApi = findK8sApi(obj, client)
        res = invokeApi(k8sApi, 'create', obj, **kwargs)
        logging.debug('K8s: %s created -> uid=%s', describe(obj), res.metadata.uid)
    except kubernetes.client.rest.ApiException as apiEx:
        if apiEx.reason != 'Conflict': raise
            # asking for forgiveness...
            res = invokeApi(k8sApi, 'patch', obj, **kwargs)
            logging.debug('K8s: %s PATCHED -> uid=%s', describe(obj), res.metadata.uid)
        except kubernetes.client.rest.ApiException as apiEx:
            if apiEx.reason != 'Unprocessable Entity': raise
                # second attempt... delete the existing object and re-insert
                logging.debug('K8s: replacing %s FAILED. Attempting deletion and recreation...', describe(obj))
                res = invokeApi(k8sApi, 'delete', obj, **kwargs)
                logging.debug('K8s: %s DELETED...', describe(obj))
                res = invokeApi(k8sApi, 'create', obj, **kwargs)
                logging.debug('K8s: %s CREATED -> uid=%s', describe(obj), res.metadata.uid)
            except Exception as ex:
                message = 'K8s: FAILURE updating %s. Exception: %s' % (describe(obj), ex)
                raise RuntimeError(message)
    return res

def patchObject(obj, client=None, **kwargs):
    k8sApi = findK8sApi(obj, client)
        res = invokeApi(k8sApi, 'patch', obj, **kwargs)
        logging.debug('K8s: %s PATCHED -> uid=%s', describe(obj), res.metadata.uid)
        return res
    except kubernetes.client.rest.ApiException as apiEx:
        if apiEx.reason == 'Unprocessable Entity':
            message = 'K8s: patch for %s rejected. Exception: %s' % (describe(obj), apiEx)
            raise RuntimeError(message)

def deleteObject(obj, client=None, **kwargs):
    k8sApi = findK8sApi(obj, client)
        res = invokeApi(k8sApi, 'delete', obj, **kwargs)
        logging.debug('K8s: %s DELETED. uid was: %s', describe(obj), res.details and res.details.uid or '?')
        return True
    except kubernetes.client.rest.ApiException as apiEx:
        if apiEx.reason == 'Not Found':
            logging.warning('K8s: %s does not exist (anymore).', describe(obj))
            return False
            message = 'K8s: deleting %s FAILED. Exception: %s' % (describe(obj), apiEx)
            raise RuntimeError(message)

def findK8sApi(obj, client=None):
    ''' Investigate the object spec and lookup the corresponding API object
        @param client: (optional) preconfigured client environment to use for invocation
        @return: a client instance wired to the apriopriate API
    grp, _, ver = obj['apiVersion'].partition('/')
    if ver == '':
        ver = grp
        grp = 'core'
    # Strip 'k8s.io', camel-case-join dot separated parts. rbac.authorization.k8s.io -> RbacAuthorzation
    grp = ''.join(part.capitalize() for part in grp.rsplit('.k8s.io', 1)[0].split('.'))
    ver = ver.capitalize()

    k8sApi = '%s%sApi' % (grp, ver)
    return getattr(kubernetes.client, k8sApi)(client)

def invokeApi(k8sApi, action, obj, **args):
    ''' find a suitalbe function and perform the actual API invocation.
        @param k8sApi: client object for the invocation, wired to correct API version
        @param action: either 'create' (to inject a new objet) or 'replace','patch','delete'
        @param obj: the full object spec to be passed into the API invocation
        @param args: (optional) extraneous arguments to pass
        @return: response object from Kubernetes API call
    # transform ActionType from Yaml into action_type for swagger API
    kind = camel2snake(obj['kind'])
    # determine namespace to place the object in, supply default
    try: namespace = obj['metadata']['namespace']
    except: namespace = 'default'

    functionName = '%s_%s' %(action,kind)
    if hasattr(k8sApi, functionName):
        # namespace agnostic API
        function = getattr(k8sApi, functionName)
        functionName = '%s_namespaced_%s' %(action,kind)
        function = getattr(k8sApi, functionName)
        args['namespace'] = namespace
    if not 'create' in functionName:
        args['name'] = obj['metadata']['name']
    if 'delete' in functionName:
        from kubernetes.client.models.v1_delete_options import V1DeleteOptions
        obj = V1DeleteOptions()

    return function(body=obj, **args)

def describe(obj):
    return "%s '%s'" % (obj['kind'], obj['metadata']['name'])

def camel2snake(string):
    string = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', string)
    string = re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', string).lower()
    return string

if __name__=='__main__':
-- Ichthyo
Source: StackOverflow