I am working with Kubernetes tutorial and deploying the cluster locally with Vagrant.
After the vagrant machine finishes its loading, I get the following outout:
Kubernetes cluster is running.
The master is running at:
Administer and visualize its resources using Cockpit:
For more information on Cockpit, visit http://cockpit-project.org
The user name and password to use is located in /Users/me/.kube/config
When i go to
i see the login fedora screen. I do the following:
./cluster/kubectl.sh config view
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: REDACTED
name: vagrant
- context:
cluster: vagrant
user: vagrant
name: vagrant
current-context: vagrant
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: vagrant
client-certificate-data: REDACTED
client-key-data: REDACTED
password: 9r5V2B2wn6oeaciX
username: admin
but the username and password are incorrect.
how am i supposed to connect to the cockpit?
My guess is you don't use the right context for kubectl.
Try the existing username+password from your config file /Users/me/.kube/config or set up the context correctly.
See kubectl config for this issue.
Otherwise you could try this Vagrant tutorial: Kubernetes on CoreOS/Vagrant
The username and password in the kubeconfig file are used to authenticate to the Kubernetes apiserver running in your cluster. The authentication for Cockpit is entirely separate.
According to the vagrant setup scripts, you should log into Cockpit as the user vagrant
with the password vagrant