I've been using the google container registry for a few weeks now and there is one thing that is extremely annoying and that I can' get rid of:
I have one docker image which doesn't change at all, except the last layer, a mere 1MB that is updated regularly. When I push this image regularly to dockerhub, as expected, it tells me all layers already exists except the last one.
When I push to google registry, it reuploads everything, just like it was a brand new image.
I would not mind too much if I was not paying for the network traffic, but as I pay + it takes a long time to upload, is that a known bug?
We are aware of the regression in docker pushes to the Google Container Registry and are actively investigating the issue.
Thank you for patience.
We recently deployed an update to our registry which implemented support for cross-repo mounting which was introduced with the Docker 1.10.x client. This should also solve the duplicate blob push issue that you were observing.