GKE : Kubernetes 1.2.0 for single node deployment


It seems that with Kubernetes release 1.2.0 a single node deployment:

gcloud container clusters create "$CLUSTER_NAME" \
--machine-type "n1-standard-1" \
--num-nodes "1" \

does not leave much cpu headroom - the k8n pods claim 920 out of 1000 cpu points.

(My other question : Google container engine : pod creation stuck in 'Pending' status)

Is it a conscious decision?

Is there a way to adjust it, as I do not see the need for such limit in my case (CPU does not exceed 15%) and I would like to avoid getting a larger machine?

-- Evgeny Minkevich

1 Answer


I actually had the same issue, already on 1.1.8. I solved it by removing most pods in the kube-system namespace (kubectl --namespace=kube-system get po) and adjusting resources on my own RC.

End result, I have 10 pods running on 1 f1-micro...

I would not recommend that for a prod environment though.

-- VsM
Source: StackOverflow