Kubernetes at CNCF - contribution, CLA


Excuse me for this non-programming question here. Please redirect me to the right board if this is not the right place for this.
I would be interested in the conditions of contribution now that k8s becomes a hosted project in CNCF, and IP is transferred to CNCF. Can we get detailed information about the new conditions, if any? Do we have to accept other CLA than Google CLA, considering also the corporate CLA use case?
Thank you!

-- janosi

2 Answers


I'm the chair of the Technical Oversight Committee for CNCF.

We are responsible for projects & practices, operating within the CNCF charter. The IP policy is clause 11 of the charter, and can be found here - https://cncf.io/governance Let me know if you have questions, for example in case any of this language needs clarifying. As Brian Grant said above, some details are still being figured out. Overall we want to make sure every CNCF project feels that we are helping them be more successful, and this strongly influences our thinking on matters like contributions.

-- alexis

-- Alexis Richardson
Source: StackOverflow


There isn't yet an answer to your question. It is up to CNCF to decide how they are going to handle contributions once the Kubernetes IP has been fully transferred.

-- Robert Bailey
Source: StackOverflow