Kubernetes simple authentication


I am using KUbernetes on a coreOs cluster hosted on DigitalOcean. And using this repo to set it up. I start the apiserver with the following line:

/opt/bin/kube-apiserver --runtime-config=api/v1 --allow-privileged=true \ --insecure-bind-address= --insecure-port=8080 \ --secure-port=6443 --etcd-servers= \ --logtostderr=true --advertise-address=${COREOS_PRIVATE_IPV4} \ --service-cluster-ip-range= --bind-address=

The problem is that it accepts request from anyone! I want to be able to provide a simple user/password authentication. I have been reading this and this and it seems that I have to do something like the below, but I cannot afford to take the cluster down for a long period of time, so I need your guys help with this one.Btw, mt pods do not create another pods, so I only need a few user, like 1/2 for devs and 1 for CI.

I am thinking of doing something like include authorization-mode and authorization-policy-file flags as it seems required and make the insecure-bind-address localhost to make it only available locally. I am missing something?

/opt/bin/kube-apiserver --runtime-config=api/v1 --allow-privileged=true \ --authorization-mode=ABAC --authorization-policy-file=/access.json \ --insecure-bind-address= --insecure-port=8080 \ --secure-port=6443 --etcd-servers= \ --logtostderr=true --advertise-address=${COREOS_PRIVATE_IPV4} \ --service-cluster-ip-range= --bind-address=


{"user":"admin"} {"user":"wercker"} {"user":"dev1"} {"user":"dev2"}

But where are the passwords? How do I actually make the request with kubectl and curl or httpie?


1 Answer


If you want your users to authenticate using HTTP Basic Auth (user:password), you can add:


to your kube-apiserver command line, where each line of the file should be password, user-name, user-id. E.g.:


If you'd rather use access tokens (HTTP Authentication: Bearer), you can specify:


where each line should be token,user-name,user-id[,optional groups]. E.g.:


For more info, checkout the Authentication docs. Also checkout example_policy_file.jsonl for an example ABAC file.

-- CJ Cullen
Source: StackOverflow