I want to setup a kubernetes multi-node cluster on docker following http://kubernetes.io/v1.1/docs/getting-started-guides/docker-multinode/master.html on a ubuntu server.
The single node setup works fine. However For the multi-node setup I occur several problems: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/22256
The most important one being:
sudo docker -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock exec someHash cat /run/flannel/subnet.env
cat: can't open '/run/flannel/subnet.env': No such file or directory
I do not think that it is an issue with 1.10 docker? https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/19720
This is possibly similar https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/google-containers/nGX1XfZ0bE8 (see the posting from leto12, 01.06.15)
A find as suggested by leto12 /var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/8f390f0c044c536483a090913290a0bffb9820f0e6376133f8299a98facbd199/tmp/flannel
shows me this file - however, I am unable to access it.
"subnet.env" file is generated by Flannel. Docker should be started after Flannel is running. Try following steps:
Step 1: stop docker and flannel;
Step 2: delete docker0 and flannel.1;
Step 3: start flannel and check its status;
Step 4: start docker and check its status.
Check if docker was running with parameters "--bip" "--ip-masq" and "--mtu"