Trying to update a multi-container pods with
kubectl rolling-update my_rc
I got:
error: Image update is not supported for multi-container pods
What is the way to update a single container or I must delete and recreate the pod ?
For now, your best option is to update the yaml file defining the replication controller to use the new image and run:
kubectl rolling-update my_rc -f my_file.yaml
If you don't have a yaml file defining your replication controller, you can get one by running:
kubectl get rc my_rc --output=yaml > my_file.yaml
You should then be able to update the image specified in that file and run the rolling-update.
In the next release of Kubernetes (targeted for March), you'll be able to just pass the --container
flag to tell kubectl which of the containers in the pod should use the new image:
kubectl rolling-update my_rc --container=my_container
This feature was added by a community member after version 1.1 was cut.