dask-getway on K8s using helm3: Error: failed to install CRD crds/daskclusters.yaml


I'm following the instructions to setup Dask on K8s Cluster. I'm on MacOS, have K8s running on Docker Desktop, kubectl version 1.22.5 and helm version 3.8.0. After adding the repository, downloading default configuration, installing helm chart using command


helm upgrade --install \
    --namespace $NAMESPACE \
    --version $VERSION \
    --values path/to/your/config.yaml \
    $RELEASE \

generates following output/error

"dask" already exists with the same configuration, skipping
Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
...Successfully got an update from the "dmwm-bigdata" chart repository
...Successfully got an update from the "dask" chart repository
Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈
Release "my-dask-gateway" does not exist. Installing it now.
Error: failed to install CRD crds/daskclusters.yaml: unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "CustomResourceDefinition" in version "apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1"

An older post suggests to either update the manifest or use older version of kubernetes. Does that mean dask is not compatible with recent versions of kubernetes?

-- F Baig

1 Answer


Posting community wiki answer for better visibility:

This is fixed in the repo main. You could grab the CRDs from there, or wait for a release, which we are hoping to do soon. Otherwise, yes, you would need an older version of kubernetes for dask-gateway to work.

-- anarxz
Source: StackOverflow