Error lens kubernetes when try to connect


Try to add new cluster and connect it , but error shown :

What is this error means ?

What can i provide to solve my problem ?

Error: error loading config file "C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\Lens\kubeconfigs\b5037fca-b872-417d-aedc-80caab820992": 

v1.Config.AuthInfos: []v1.NamedAuthInfo: v1.NamedAuthInfo.AuthInfo: 
v1.AuthInfo.ClientCertificateData: decode base64: illegal base64 data at input byte 604, error found in #10 byte of ...|ldkYWs2eE"}}]}|..., 
bigger context ...|jZNWm5yU3NNVVBSbjFrd0NheFJyNE5pN04zNlN5dldkYWs2eE"}}]}|...

proxy exited with code: 1
-- lauwis

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