How to setup Minio Console on a Kubernetes cluster


I have deployed Minio on a Kubernetes cluster of 3 nodes:

NAME           STATUS   ROLES                  AGE     VERSION
raspberrypi2   Ready    <none>                 4h32m   v1.22.6+k3s1
antonis-dell   Ready    control-plane,master   4h36m   v1.22.6+k3s1
raspberrypi    Ready    <none>                 4h32m   v1.22.6+k3s1

The architecture is presented in the image below.

enter image description here

I have access to the Minio browser but I cannot figure out how I can setup the Minio console inside the cluster. In Minio Console official repo, some steps are presented.

For example step 1. Create a user console using mc:

mc admin user add myminio/
Enter Access Key: console
Enter Secret Key: xxxxxxxx

setp 2. Create a policy for console with admin access to all resources (for testing)

cat > admin.json << EOF

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [{
			"Action": [
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Sid": ""
			"Action": [
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Resource": [
			"Sid": ""

How I can create the user and the policy, if minio runs inside a container? How to access and where?

-- e7lT2P

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