K3S SQLite slow on NFS


I have an application running on my home cluster.<br> My cluster is running K3S.<br> The cluster exists of 5 Raspberry Pi's 3B and 1 Ubuntu VM.<br> One of my deployments is Domoticz.<br> This uses a SQLite database to store data.<br> I'm using this as a StorageClass. https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/nfs-subdir-external-provisioner<br> The NFS is hosted in OpenMediaVault with arguments subtree_check,insecure,no_root_squash

When I store this database (14MB) on a PV volume linked to an NFS Storage Class, the applications becomes very slow.<br> When I use the Storage Class local-path, the application is as fast.<br> Problem is now that when that node dies, the Deployment doesn't start because of the node-affinity linked to the PVC.<br> I'm out of idea's to fix this issue.<br> <br> Is there another SC better suited to my setup?<br> Is there a tweak to the SC local-path, so it's not linked to a node? (yes I know, database will not be transferred to the new node)

-- Geert

1 Answer


I fixed this by using longhorn instead of NFS. Thanks Andrew Skorkin for the tip

-- Geert
Source: StackOverflow