How can I have more than 64K connections per node in Kubernetes?


I have an EKS Kubernetes cluster. High level the setup is:

a) There is an EC2 instance, lets call it "VM" or "Host"

b) In the VM, there is a POD running 2 containers: Side Car HAProxy Container + MyApp Container

What happens is that when external requests come, inside of HAProxy container, I can see that the source IP is the "Host" IP. As the Host has a single IP, there can be a maximum of 64K connections to HAProxy.

I'm curious to know how to workaround this problem as I want to be able to make like 256K connections per Host.

-- Luis Serrano

2 Answers


It turns that in Kubernetes one can configure how we want clients to access the service and the choice that we had was nodePort. When we changed it to hostPort, the source IP was seen in the haproxy container and hence the limitation that I was having was removed.

If this option would have failed, my next option was to try the recommendation in the other response which was to have haproxy listening in multiple ports. Thankfully that was not needed.


-- Luis Serrano
Source: StackOverflow


I'm not sure is you understand reason for 64k limit so try to explain it

At first that is a good answer about 64k limitations

Let's say that HAProxy ( listening at port 8080 and free ports at Host ( are 1,353~65,353, so you have combination of:

source → destination

That is 64k simultaneous connections. I don't know how often NAT table is updating, but after update unused ports will be reused. So simultaneous is important

If your only problem is limit of connections per IP, here is couple solutions:

  1. Run multiple HAProxyes. Three containers increase limit to 64,000 X 3 = 192,000
  2. Listen multiple ports on HAProxy (check about SO_REUSEPORT). Three ports (8080, 8081, 8082) increase max number of connections to 192,000

Host interface IP is acting like a gateway for Docker internal network so I not sure if it is possible to set couple IPs for Host or HAProxy. At least I didn't find information about it.

-- rzlvmp
Source: StackOverflow