Jenkins - Job Y is configure to run after Job x, but is not triggered


I have a Jenkins server on K8s (using Rancher). Job Y is configured to run after job X (image is attached). Job X runs successfully, but at its end, job Y is not triggered. Both jobs are on the same Jenkins master. This problem has never happened to me before, on our Jenkins on prem servers. I have checked everything I could think of, including creating test jobs that basically do nothing, just in order to test if the triggering is working for other jobs on this master, it does not. Checking the logs - job x is in the log (image is also attached), job Y is missing from the log completelyenter image description here.
I will mention that on another master on the same cluster, triggering is working. Any ideas?enter image description here

-- Jessica Grahm

1 Answer


check the trigger condition for job Y.

Below is the one way you can trigger jobs in Jenkins

1) Chain jobs together Chain Jenkins job together using the “Build other projects” option in the “Post Build Actions” of a job. The downside to this is that it introduces a dependency between jobs. For example, I want to be able to run the database backup job without doing a deployment every time.

2) Parameterized Trigger Plugin When you have the Parameterized Trigger Plugin installed:

Create a wrapper job for your sequential jobs For each sequential job Select Build->Add build step->Trigger/call builds on other projects Enter the sequential job name Check the ‘Block until the triggered projects finish their builds’ checkbox (this only appears when you have the Parameterized Trigger Plugin installed) Now when you run the wrapper job, all the triggered jobs will be run in order and sequentially. You of course also have the option of using the parameters functionality of the plugin too.

3) Throttle Concurrent Builds Plugin The docs for the Throttle Concurrent Builds Plugin seem to be a little lacking, but it works well. With it installed, a “Throttle Concurrent Builds” section shows up in the Jenkins config section (Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure System). There, you create a “Multi-Project Throttle Category” Next, for each job that needs to be run sequentially, you

Check the ‘Throttle Concurrent Builds’ check box Select the ‘Throttle this project as part of one or more categories’ radio button Check the checkbox of the “Multi-Project Throttle Category” you created above Save Finally, you create a wrapper job that triggers all your to-be-run-sequentially jobs and when you run it, you should see your jobs running sequentially and in order. Although a fairly complex option, this approach also allows you to run some jobs sequentially and others in parallel. For example, your wrapper job can run jobs A and B sequentially and jobs C and D sequentially, but trigger A and C in parallel. You can also combine this plugin with the Parameterized Trigger Plugin for maximum flexibility.

4) Join Plugin Although I haven’t used the Join Plugin myself, it seems worth mentioning. Its docs state that

This plugin allows a job to be run after all the immediate downstream jobs have completed. In this way, the execution can branch out and perform many steps in parallel, and then run a final aggregation step just once after all the parallel work is finished.

That’s it. Several options for running Jenkins jobs in parallel. Choose the one that best suits your needs…

-- Rakesh B E
Source: StackOverflow