I am trying to install awx v19.0 on CentOS 8. Installing Minikube, AWX-Operator, AWX itself and enabling ingress addon works without any problems and all pods are running.
But i can't access the awx dashboard with browser. I can find minikube logs errors like:
kubelet[168646]: I0120 14:37:15.885758 168646 docker_sandbox.go:401] "Failed to read pod IP from plugin/docker" err="Couldn't find network status for ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx-controller-5f66978484-j27jf through plugin: invalid network status for"
Unfortunately i am not an expert in docker and kubernetes and would be happy for any help.
Minikube Version v1.24.0
Kubectl Version v1.22.3
Docker Version 20.10.12
Installation Steps: