Fluentd logs not sent to Elasticsearch - pattern not match


I can't get log messages to be processed by Fluentd and sent to Elasticsearch. I'm tailing the container of my service, it will pick up the log, but it can't parse it, it always fails with the error pattern not match. I understand that something is wrong with my parsing setup, but I can't see what.

The service writes to Stdout with Serilog, using the ElasticsearchJsonFormatter. My understanding is that it will write valid json to the console. This appears to be happening if I view the logs of the running container. When I view the Fluentd logs, it looks as if it has all been escaped.

If I view the logs of the service pod I can see the message, if then view the logs of the fluentd pod I can see the pattern not match error. Both of these are included below.

Any help or pointers will be greatly appreciated, as I've been stuck on this for days now.

Serilog Setup

var loggerConfig = new LoggerConfiguration()
                 .WriteTo.Console(new ElasticsearchJsonFormatter())
                 .MinimumLevel.Override("Microsoft", LogEventLevel.Warning)
                 .MinimumLevel.Override("System", LogEventLevel.Warning);

Fluentd Config

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: fluentd-config
  fluent.conf: |
      @type tail
      path /var/log/containers/my-service-*.log
      pos_file /var/log/app.log.pos
      tag kubernetes.*
      read_from_head true
        @type json
        time_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%NZ

    <match **>
      @type elasticsearch
      index_name fluentd
      type_name fluentd

Example log message

This is what I can see if I view the logs for the running container. In my case this is a Kubernetes pod.

	"@timestamp": "2021-12-29T13:23:28.2692128+00:00",
	"level": "Information",
	"messageTemplate": "Get Record - User Claim Contracts: {contracts} All Claims: {allclaims}",
	"message": "Get Record - User Claim Contracts: [1, 2, 3, 4] All Claims: \"Application.Claims\"",
	"fields": {
		"contracts": [
		"allclaims": "Application.Claims",
		"ddsource": "application",
		"RecordId": null,
		"UserId": null,
		"TransactionId": null,
		"env": "UAT",

Fluentd pattern not match

This is what I see when I view the logs for the fluentd container. Again, this is a pod.

2021-12-29 13:37:48 +0000 [warn]: #0 pattern not match: "2021-12-29T13:37:47.852294372Z stdout F {\"@timestamp\":\"2021-12-29T13:37:47.8518242+00:00\",\"level\":\"Information\",\"messageTemplate\":\"Get Record - User Claim Contracts: {contracts} All Claims: {allclaims}\",\"message\":\"Get Record - User Claim Contracts: [1, 2, 3, 4] All Claims: \\\"Application.Claims\\\"\",\"fields\":{\"contracts\":[1,2,3,4],\"allclaims\":\"\",\"ddsource\":\"\",\"RecordId\":null,\"UserId\":null,\"TransactionId\":null,\"env\":\"UAT\",\"\":\"\",\"\":\"\"}}"
-- Jim

1 Answer


Your log message is not valid JSON, since it contains a comma in line "env": "UAT",. The Fluentd log writes out two more empty fields "":"" as part of your record.

To parse time fields, you have to tell Fluentd the name of the time_key, in your case with time_key: @timestamp. You can use %iso8601 as time_format. For details see the Fluentd documentation on time parameters.

-- Karsten Schnitter
Source: StackOverflow