On k8s, Is ServiceBinding same with ServiceBindingRequest?


I'm trying to use k8s ServiceBindingOperator, with ServiceBinding. But I found there is ServiceBindingRequest which act as ServiceBinding on RedHat Article


But I couln't find ServiceBindingRequest CRD on API:apps.openshift.io/v1alpha1 from any sites, only ServiceBinding could.

Where is ServiceBindingRequest CRD? or those two of them are same resource?

-- planner26

1 Answer


I'm unfamiliar with the Operator.

The article you referenced says that the Operator "has changed significantly" and links to How to use service binding with RabbigMQ

In that example, only ServiceBinding is described. I think you should continue to use ServiceBinding and use the updated article.

-- DazWilkin
Source: StackOverflow