Kubernetes Loadbalancer does not use every IP


I have setup a Kubernetes Cluster (k3s) on 4 Raspberry Pi's and 3 Virtual Machines. The Raspberrys have the IP's, while the Virtual Machines have the IP's My Problem is, when I created an Loadbalancer for Testing, the Loadbalancer used the IP's:,, and But It should use all the IP's. All nodes have the Status Ready, so I think its not an Issue of the nodes, more an Issue of the Configuration. How can I add another IP to the Loadbalancer.

A second and maby relatable Problem which has much lower priority, but maby could also be fixed with the same solution is, that I have Keepalived setup which uses the IP, can I add this also to the Loadbalancer? Any node in the cluster has also the right Keepalived config.

I am sorry for my bad english and I know that my "Setup/Infrastructure" is not "normal", but I use it for Testing and Learning. Maby someone can help me.

Thanks for any Respone.

-- Waaaat

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