Deploy both front and backend using helm charts


I have a monorepo nodejs/react app that I want to deploy to GKE using Helm charts. I added two Dockerfiles one for the frontend and the other for the back.

I'm using Helm Charts to deploy my microservices to the Kubernetes cluster but this time I don't know how to configure it so that I can deploy both back and front simultaneously to GKE.

Should I configure a values.yaml file for each service and keep the other templates as they are (ingress, service, deployment, hpa) or should I work on each service independently?

-- Dawn tns

1 Answer


Posting this as an answer for better visibility since it's a good solution:

David suggested that you can

probably put both parts into the same Helm chart, probably with different templates/*.yaml files for the front-and back-end parts.

If you had a good argument that the two parts are separate (maybe different development teams work on them and you have a good public API contract) it's fine to deploy them separately

-- Wojtek_B
Source: StackOverflow