Exception occurred while authenticating Firebase


In my application which I used firebase to upload an Images to their storage. Its working fine without any issue when I running my application in my local machine with same APIKEY, EMAIL and PASSWORD. But once after deploying to the server. I'm getting following error.

Exception occured while authenticating.
Url: https://www.googleapis.com/identitytoolkit/v3/relyingparty/verifyPassword?key={0}
Request Data: {"email":"sachith@mydomain.com","password":"*****","returnSecureToken":true}
Response: N/A,
Reason: Undefined

I'm pretty sure this is not a password or email misprint(as I mentioned in above its working fine with my local machine). because if so the relevant issue will be shown in "Response". But here you can see, Response is N/A. What could be the reason for this? Do I need to give separate permission to the environment where I host applications? How can I do it?

-- Sachith Wickramaarachchi

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