ArgoCD with Terraform to delete all applications when deleting the namespace argocd


I am installing argocd into my Kubernetes clusters with helm in Terraform like so:

resource "kubernetes_namespace" "ns_argocd" {
  metadata {
    annotations = {
      name = "argocd"
    name = "argocd"

resource "helm_release" "argocd" {
  name = "argocd"
  repository = ""
  chart      = "argo-cd"
  version    = "3.27.1"

  create_namespace = false
  namespace        =

  depends_on = [kubernetes_namespace.ns_argocd]

It works really nice, I can create applications, deploy resources and so on. But if I try to run a terraform destroy, the deletion of the namespace argocd gets stuck with status terminating. This is because the applications defined in the argocd namespace are not correctly removed and I had to do some workarounds to delete it manually, mainly removing the finalizers from the definition.

Is there a way that running the destroy command will remove the applications defined in the argocd namespace when deleting the namespace?

-- everspader

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