To use alert by E-mail in Grafana, we have to set SMTP settings in grafana.ini.
On Ubuntu, we can easily run the grafana-prometheus-k8s stack by command
microk8s enable prometheus
However, how can we feed grafana.ini to grafana running in a k8s pod?
We can modify grafana k8s deployment manifest by volumeMounts to feed grafana.ini on our host to grafana running in a pod.
First, prepare your grafana.ini with SMTP settings. E.g.
enabled = true
host =
# Please change user and password to your ones.
user =
password = your-password
Then, you can place this file on your host. E.g. /home/mydir/grafana.ini
Modify the loaded grafana k8s deployment manifest:
kubectl edit deployments.apps -n monitoring grafana
Add a new mount to volumeMounts (not the one in
- mountPath: /etc/grafana/grafana.ini
name: mydir
subPath: grafana.ini
Add a new hostPath to volumes:
- hostPath:
path: /home/mydir
type: ""
name: mydir
Finally, restart the deployment:
kubectl rollout restart -n monitoring deployment grafana
Run this command and use a web browser on your host to navigate to http://localhost:8080 to grafana web app:
kubectl port-forward -n monitoring svc/grafana 8080:3000
Then, you can navigate to Alerting / Notification channels / Add channel to add an Email notification channel and test it!