Kubernetes: mount certificate to pod


I'd like to deploy an ldap server on my kubernetes cluster. The server itself is up and running, but I'd like to enable SSL encryption for it as well.

I already have cert-manager up and running and I also use a multitude of SSL certificates with my ingresses with my HTTP traffic. It would be really nice if I could just use a CertificateRequest with my ldap server as well, managed and updated by cert-manager.

My problem is I have no idea how to mount a Certificate to my kubernetes pod. I know that cert-manager creates a secret and puts the certificate data in it. The problem with that is I have no idea of the validity of that certificate this way, and can't remount/reapply the new certificate.

Has anybody done anything like this? Is there a non-hacky way to incorporate ingresses to terminate SSL encryption?

-- László Stahorszki

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