Where can i find my cluster domain in EKS?


I am trying to deploy the jpetstore app to EKS and have come across this variable that needs to be filled in. (https://github.com/IBM-Cloud/jpetstore-kubernetes/blob/master/jpetstore/jpetstore.yaml) enter image description here

In the documentation it states that i can it using the commands:

Edit jpetstore/jpetstore.yaml and jpetstore/jpetstore-mmssearch.yaml and replace all instances of:
<CLUSTER DOMAIN> with your Ingress Subdomain (ibmcloud ks cluster get --cluster CLUSTER_NAME)


but this is for ibm cloud and i need it for EKS.

Where can i get this <CLUSTER DOMAIN> value from?

-- CaptainRaasClaat

1 Answer


You can define your own name in the ingress spec, example host: jpetstore.example.com. You need to install AWS LB Controller; which will handle your ingress request and create an ALB based on your ingress spec. You then access like: curl -H 'HOST: jpetstore.example.com' http://<your new alb endpoint>

-- gohm&#39;c
Source: StackOverflow