Is it possible to display the Traefik IngressRoutes in the Kubernetes Dashboard?


I'm using Traefik as IngressRoute.

With kubectl api-resources it is defined as:

NAME                              SHORTNAMES                                      APIVERSION                             NAMESPACED   KIND

ingressroutes                                                                      true         IngressRoute


My problem is that in Kubernetes Dashboard only ingress resources can be viewed, therefore ingressroute resources is not displayed.

How to implement the ability to see ingressroute resources instead of ingresses?

-- Maksim

1 Answer


Kubernetes Dashboard does not have the ability to display Traefik IngressRoute, the same way it shows Ingress, without changing it's source code.

If you want, you can create feature request in dashboard GitHub repo, and follow Improve resource support #5232 issue. Maybe in the future such feature will be added.

In the meantime, you can use Traefik's own dashboard.

-- p10l
Source: StackOverflow