Impact of docker support being removed from Kubernetes


As per Don't Panic: Kubernetes and Docker, Docker support will be removed.

Kubernetes is deprecating Docker as a container runtime after v1.20.

If you’re using a managed Kubernetes service like GKE, EKS, or AKS (which defaults to containerd) you will need to make sure your worker nodes are using a supported container runtime before Docker support is removed in a future version of Kubernetes. If you have node customizations you may need to update them based on your environment and runtime requirements. Please work with your service provider to ensure proper upgrade testing and planning.

What are the impacts? The document does not layout the details.

-- mon

1 Answer



The differences between Docker, containerd, CRI-O and runc nicey explained the fundamentals. What we will miss is the line from Docker to containerd line, which in my understanding, dockershim, play the role.

Kubernetes includes a component called dockershim, which allows it to support Docker.Kubernetes prefers to run containers through any container runtime which supports its Container Runtime Interface (CRI). But Docker, being older than Kubernetes, doesn’t implement CRI. So that’s why the dockershim exists

This document goes over some frequently asked questions regarding the Dockershim deprecation announced as a part of the Kubernetes v1.20 release.

enter image description here

Docker image

The docker image are actually in the OCI format, so we can continue using the docker images we created and run in K8S. No impact with regard to the images we have.

Docker daemon and commands

In my understanding, docker daemon could still be there in the K8S nodes managing the containers.

We keep using the docker commands e.g. to create images, tag images, test images, etc.

-- mon
Source: StackOverflow