Apply Github hosted Kubernetes file with Helm


I am trying to set up a helmfile deployment for my local kubernetes cluster which is running using 'kind' (a lightweight alternative to minikube). I have charts set up for my app which are all deploying correctly, however I require an nginx-ingress controller. Luckily 'kind' provides one, which I am currently applying with the command:

kubectl apply -f

It seems perverse that I should have everything else set up to deploy at the touch of a button, but still have to 'remember' (and also train my colleagues to remember...) to run this additional command.

I realise I could copy and paste and create my own version, but I would like to keep up to date with any changes made at source. Is it possible to create a chart that makes a reference to an external template?

I am looking at solutions using either helm or helmfile.

-- Abulafia

1 Answer


Your linked YAML file seems to have been generated from the ingress-nginx chart.


You can include ingress-nginx as a subchart in Helm 3 by adding it as a dependency to your own chart. In Helm 3, this is done with the dependencies field in Chart.yaml, e.g.:

apiVersion: v2
name: my-chart
version: 0.1.0
  - name: ingress-nginx
    version: ~4.0.6
    condition: ingress-nginx.enabled

This may be problematic, however, if you need to install multiple versions of your own chart in the same cluster. To handle this, you'd need to consider the implications of multiple Ingress controllers.


Ingress controllers are capable of handling ingresses from various releases across multiple namespaces. Therefore, I would recommend maintaining ingress-nginx separately from your own releases that depend on it. This would mean installing ingress-nginx like you already are or as a separate chart (guide).

If you go this route, there are tools that help make it easier for devs to take a hands-off approach for setting up their K8s environments. Some popular ones include Skaffold, DevSpace, Tilt, and Helmfile.

-- rpatel
Source: StackOverflow