Google Cloud Kubernetes GCE_STOCKOUT


i have a very serious problem. We have a google kubernetes engine running and were hosting on zone europe-west3-c, after trying to update the docker container I got the following error, since over 2 days:

Instance 'gke-k8s-xyz' creation failed: The zone 'projects/xyz/zones/europe-west3-c' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later.

Now, it doesn't work. But I have tried to move from europe-west3-c to europe-west3-b but now my IP is different and I can't access my website anymore. And I can't switch back to europe-west3-c because of the resource limitation error.

Are those GCE_STOCKOUT errors really just temporary?


-- Sahin Habermann

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