Does in Kubernetes a PV/PVC guarantees sticky mounting of pods?


I would like to understand if through PVC/PV a pod that is using a volume after a failure will be always re-attached to the same volume or not. Essentially I know that this can be a case for Statefulset but I am trying to understand if this can be also achieved with PVC and PV. Essentially assuming that a Pod_A is attached to Volume_X, then Pod_A fails but in the meantime a Volume_Y was added to the cluster that can potentially fulfil the PVC requirements. So what does it happen when Pod_A is re-created, does it get always mounted to Volume_X or is there any chance that it gets mounted to the new Volume_Y?

-- toto'

1 Answer


a pod that is using a volume after a failure will be always re-attached to the same volume or not

yes, the Pod will be re-attached to the same volume, because it still has the same PVC declared in its manifest.

Essentially assuming that a Pod_A is attached to Volume_X, then Pod_A fails but in the meantime a Volume_Y was added to the cluster that can potentially fulfil the PVC requirements.

The Pod still has the same PVC in its manifest, so it will use the same volume. But if you create a new PVC, it might be bound to the new volume.

So what does it happen when Pod_A is re-created, does it get always mounted to Volume_X or is there any chance that it gets mounted to the new Volume_Y?

The Pod still has the same PVC in its manifest, so it will use the volume that is bound by that PVC. Only when you create a new PVC, that claim can be bound the new volume.

-- Jonas
Source: StackOverflow